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Becky Rose
S2 licensed
Quote from jakeeatworld :Does that stream work for any of you guys?

Nope, but i'm guessing it'll come live tonight when the race starts? Or did I get the day wrong...
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
Quote from J@tko :It's 10.30am Bathurst time, whatever that is

Apparently Mount Panorama is 10 hours ahead of the Mother Country. So the choice is between an early start or a very late night.
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
Quote from logitekg25 :no america? that would have been good!!!

Happy to oblige

America According to Britain
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
Quote from lap traffic nz :try this: ... s-_-bathurst-1000-v-.html

cool thanks, I'll be tuning in for as long as I can milk it for free .

Does anyone know the start time please (+timezone) ?
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
Quote from anttt69 :What kind of attitude is that? The same kind as those who have hunted tigers close to extinction. What are the chances of you going for a stroll on the polar ice cap??

I actualy mistook you for an intellectual.

It's because i'm an intellectual that I know Polar Bears can be found in the US, Canada, Greenland, Norway and Russia, they live in the circumpolar habbitats, not polar, and are exclusive to the Northern hemisphere only.

They're also prone to cannabalism when food is short. So unlike Tigers they're not as cute, fluffy and emminently huggable.

Also. *stern straight faced look*... I'm not always serious.
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
Quote from mrodgers : I just mapped a route through Europe by car. The route travels from Netherland, through Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, and finishes in France. The route is still 3 hours short of my trip to Disneyworld this year.

I did a similar drive once, from the UK through France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany and into Austria then back. I took 2 weeks and the journey felt rushed. I did admittedly see all Luxembourg had to offer in the first 20 minutes, but on that visit I barely got to see Germany because I just didn't have time and was only able to spend an afternoon in Paris - I had to go back to do the Eiffel Tower, Nostredame and all the other stuff.

It's not the distance that makes something a holiday it's the change of culture and you don't really get a chance to absorb that unless you take your time.

You've stayed in a place long enough when you're on holiday and you think "I could live here". Of course it's the holiday talking, but that's the moment when you understand a place and it's culture and start to really appreciate what it has to offer.

Travelling is a lot more expensive within Europe by car. Seriously, you're better off flying because there's no tax on aviation fuel. I can see how you'd mistakenly compare a road trip to a drive around Europe - but I think you're missing the point of what a foreign holiday really is.

It's nothing to do with how far you go, it's about absorbing the culture.

By contrast i'm technically less travelled, i've only been outside of Europe once... But i've seen many more cultures - and repeatedly visited them, to the point where I even like French people
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
Quote from logitekg25 :is that true? cause that could be caused by a miniscule movement of earth's tilt as well?

and global warming is seeming even faker now..

It's been true since the 70's when the first theories of climate change where put forward amid fears of ... can you guess what?

That's right: Global cooling.

A 2009 Article and first thing I found on Google.

Since then we've had a complete absense of new evidence, but a plethora of governmental directives latching on to a trendy new science led by celebrity lifestyle icons feeling guilt over their excesses, which culminated in 1997 with the release of the Prius.

After it was realise that throwing your old car away to purchase a new Prius does more harm to the environment than running the "eco-friendly" car the world, sadly, did not return to it's senses.

Sound bytes sell.
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
They forgot to stipulate that the other pole is growing faster than "the" ice cap is shrinking, and that's all thats really happening is that the jet stream is moving.


Still, if it kills a few animals that prey on humans in the wild then it cant be all bad right?
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
Who are you? Marvin the Robot?
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
Quote from mrodgers :Again, where does it state that America is a country?

America is often considered a country, more so by outsiders, in exactly the same way that those Americans who have heard of it think that the United Kingdom / Great Britain is a country.

The United States of America are 50 countries in one union. The United Kingdom is 4 countries in one union. Or 3.2 if you consider Ireland as a whole to be one country. And 2.21 if you consider Wales hasn't been independent since the Romans kicked our asses, and 1.3 countries if you consider Scotland in light of it's GDP - unless we give them their oil & gas fields back, in which case we're all Scottish.

One of the reasons the term "nation", "country", "state" so badly fits the context of it's member states or the state as a whole is partly because the entire concept of nation is actually relatively new. Prior to the concept of nations the fuedel system divided the world into organic holdings where allegiences would move readily between lords & others nobles. Some languages do not even have an appropriate word for a nation, the idea developed in the West in comparatively modern times just a few hundred years ago.

Something to think about the next time your country asks you to be patriotic eh
Last edited by Becky Rose, .
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
Quote from jibber :Couch surfing?

Guilty as charged .

So anyone got a sofa in New York I could borrow? *looks hopeful*
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
Spain, Majjorca, Ibiza, Gibraltar, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Malta, Portugal, Beckyworld.

More Netherlands next year, maybe New York some time in the next few years.

Travelling is a lot easier since the Internet - no more hotel bills!
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :I'd welcome the early grave!

Leave the black eye makeup alone Dustin, it's clearly too strong for you.
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
Quote from rich uk :Insert welsh sheep joke here :X


It's not the joke that usually gets inserted in those jokes...
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
Any of the 2nd tier teams would be mad not to consider Sutil on a 1 or 2 year contract.

Out of all the choices listed in the poll he's the only one i'd be considering.
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
Quote from burn4u :Huh New Zealand, MUST RESIST MAKING SHEEP JOKE, sorry its a ozzie thing.

It's no different over here.

Becky Rose
S2 licensed
Quote from TehPaws3D :Most likely the only thing I will contribute to this conversation; "Ohhh Snaap! "

New Zealand hangs to the right of Australia, it's native population are Maori rather than Aboriginal. They have sheep rather than Fosters lager, and are not famous for a work hard or play hard mentality.

New Zealand has a drastic shortage of working age population because the settler population of white folk has a habbit of wandering off and "exploring the world". "exploring the world" is New Zealander speak for being co-workers in a London pub with a South African.

Australia on the other hand is a country that thinks it is economically powerful, and by the standards of the small islands surrounding it in the pacific it surely is. They are most famous for running the enemy out of bullets in world war 2 when their British commanders kept sending them over the top first. Once the enemy was out of bullets the Brits would sweep in and claim victory.

Australia is also famous for a game they called "Aussie Rules Football". It's the only game of football that Australia has ever 'ruled' at. They also play cricket, but nobody cares because it's a boring sport.

You have been educated.
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
Oh my God Virgin used an image of a body scanner to show somebody dancing happily inside because they're flying virgin (which was the actual subtext / subliminal implication) - THEY MUST BE EVIL AND WANTING TO KILL US ALL WITH RADIATION RAYS!

Because of course Branson lives under a volcano.
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
Quote from doyal :I thought New Zealand was in Australia? (G'day)


I'm sorry guys, our education standards have slipped since Blair decided the only thing these kids need to learn about is terrorism and global warming.

Older British folk are indeed aware that New Zealand is much further down the food chain and evolutionary scale than Australia.
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
Quote from logitekg25 :well at my age, and my location one mistake and nobody likes you anymore in fear you will try to rape them

In this statement you brand me a rapist because I am homosexual.

I shan't brand you back.

I just hope that one day you put a little bit of thought into the culture of hatred you help foster every time you call something gay in a derogatory manner.
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
Quote :and also when gay people want me i dont like it

Once you are comfortable with who you are, which tends to settle in around your mid 20's or so in most people then for a non-bigot it wont matter to you, because you know who you are and what you want - so somebody you dont want being interested in you is no big deal.

At your age, after years of indocrtination into playground homophobia to the extent it is so ingrained that most teenagers dont even realise just how vile and sick their attitudes are, or to put it in your words...
Quote from logitekg25 :i just dont wanna be mistaken for gay, around where i am thats not a good reputation

The bottom line is your attitudes are symptomatic of a fairly ordinary childhood in a typical religiously influenced background or environment.

It's nothing to be ashamed of, provided you grow up when it is time to.
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
Quote from Klutch :Its amazing.

The drug using faggot emo kid that everyone hates on is living a fun and happy life while everyone else is all depressed and sad. How does that work?

Not everyone is sad. I like my life.
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
Oh the Internet is slowly moving under corporate control, we already have a similar act over here which come into force soon.

The pirates won't be effected, initially they will proxy, ultimately they will move to darknets like the BBS systems of the 80s and 90s.

Piracy is already illegal and that doesn't stop it. Making it more illegal won't change a thing.
Becky Rose
S2 licensed

Becky Rose
S2 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Becky: If you called iTunes support and lied and said "MY HD DIED" and sobbed/cried enough.. they'd allow you to redownload your music.

It was faster, cheaper, and less hassle to pirate it. I already owned the songs so I don't see the issue... Not that I have an issue with downloading music anyway, I used to buy music to support the bands - but I see enough live music to more than make up for the fact that I heard about some of the bands i've seen from albums I didn't pay for.